Wireless Device
Associates a wireless subscriber from a pre-activated batch with an Rev.io customer account.
Required Input
- CustomerID As Integer – ID of the Rev.io customer to be associated with the wireless subscriber (Required).
- MDN As String – the MDN (CDMA) or MSISDN (GSM) associated with the pre-activated device (Required).
- ESN As String – the ESN or MEID correlating to the wireless device (Required).
- TrackingNumber As String – tracking number to associate with the Rev.io order.
- LineID As Integer – Rev.io Service ID to be associated with the wireless subscriber. If not specified, the main service (BTN) on the Rev.io account is assumed.
Creates an inventory batch of items for pre-activation. The devices are then asynchronously activated with the wireless provider associated with the package.
Required Input
- BatchItems – Array of BatchItems. Must be at least one item on the batch.
- BatchItem
- ESN As String – the ESN or MEID correlating to the wireless device (Required).
- ICCID As String – optional ICCID correlating to the wireless SIM card (embedded or standalone).
- MSL As String – optional MSL code to associate with the batch item.
- BatchItem
- AgentAccountNumber As String – the account number of the agent that will be associated with this batch.
- PackageID As String – package that the wireless device(s) will be pre-activated.
- Zip As String – zip code where the wireless device(s) will be pre-activated.
- BatchID As Integer – Rev.io's id of the pre-activated batch.
Use this API to update MDNs on active inventory batches that are out of sync with Rev.io.
Input Fields
Field | Type | Notes | Required? |
DeviceIdentifier | String | Device identifier (ESN, MEID, or IMEI) of the inventory batch item we are updating. | Required |
BatchID | Integer | Inventory Batch ID of the inventory batch item we are updating. *Note: This *must** match the active inventory batch related to the DeviceIdentifier. | Required |
NewMDN | String | New MDN that should be used on the inventory batch item. Note: This cannot be active on another inventory batch item or service in Rev.io. | Required |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<WirelessDevice_PreactivateBatch_UpdateMDN_Request xmlns="http://api.myh2o.com/v20">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<WirelessDevice_PreactivateBatch_UpdateMDN_Response xmlns="http://api.myh2o.com/v20">
Gets the status and information of a pre-activated batch and the items on the batch.
Required Input
- BatchID As Integer – Rev.io's id of the pre-activated batch.
- Status As Enum_Inventory_Batch_Status – status of the pre-activated batch as a whole. Values can be:
- NEW – initial state; the batch is only in this state while populating items on the batch.
- READY – the batch has been marked to process and is waiting to be processed for pre-activation.
- PROCESSING – the items on the batch are currently being pre-activated with the wireless provider.
- COMPLETE – the batch is in a final status and was completed successfully.
- CANCELED – the batch is in a final state and was canceled.
- BatchResultItems – Array of BatchResultItems populating the batch.
- BatchResultItem
- ESN As String – the ESN or MEID of the pre-activated device.
- ICCID As String – the ICCID of the SIM card associated with the device being pre-activated (if GSM).
- MDN As String – the MDN (CDMA) or MSISDN (GSM) associated with the pre-activated device.
- MSID As String – MSID or MIN of the pre-activated device.
- IMSI As String – IMSI of the SIM card that was pre-activated (if GSM).
- MSL As String – Rev.io's id of the raw communication with the wireless provider.
- Status As Enum_Inventory_Batch_Item_Status – status of the pre-activated batch item. Values can be:
- NEW – initial state; pre-activation has not been attempted yet.
- PENDING – awaiting asynchronous response from the wireless provider.
- ERROR – the pre-activation has failed. ErrorMessage will be populated.
- COMPLETE – the pre-activation has completed successfully.
- ErrorMessage As String – populated with error from wireless provider indicating why the item could not be activated.
- BatchResultItem
Validates a specific wireless device with a wireless provider.
Required Input
- CarrierID As Integer – ID of the Rev.io provider to which the Verify Coverage request is to be submitted.
- MDN As String – the MDN of the device to be validated
- Valid As Boolean – indicates whether or not the request was successful
- Message As String – device state message returned from provider - includes port status
Retrieve information about a handset, mifi device, or other wireless device.
Optional/Conditional Input
- ESN_or_MEID As String – optionally search for a device by the Hex or Decimal ESN or MEID
- MDN_or_MSISDN As String – optionally search for a device by its MDN (CDMA) or MSISDN (GSM).
- MSID_or_MIN As String – optionally search for a device by its MSID (Sprint) or MIN (Verizon).
- ICCID As String – optionally search for a SIM card by its ICCID.
- InventoryItemID As Integer – optionally search for a device by Rev.io's ID assigned to the Inventory Item.
- ID As Integer – Rev.io's ID of this Inventory Item
- ESN_or_MEID_Hex As String – Hex-formatted ESN or MEID of this Inventory Item. Only applicable for Mobile Device inventory types.
- ESN_or_MEID_Decimal As String – Decimal-formatted ESN or MEID of this Inventory Item. Only applicable for Mobile Device inventory types.
- ICCID As String – The ICCID of this inventory item. Only applicable for SIM card inventory types.
- Activation_Type As String
- CUSTOMER: Currently assigned to a Customer.
- BATCHED: Currently on an Inventory Batch as an Inventory Batch Item.
- NOT_ACTIVATED: Not on a Customer or an Inventory Batch.
- MSL As String – 6-digit unlock code (Sprint)
- TypeID As Integer – Rev.io's ID of the Inventory Type assigned to this device.
- TypeName As String – Name of the Inventory Type assigned to this device.
- Locked As Boolean – When "true" the device needs to be unlocked before it can be used.
- CarrierID As Integer – Rev.io's ID of the Provider assigned to this device.
- CarrierCode As String – Provider Code of the Provider assigned to this device (e.g. SPRINT_WIRELESS).
- BatchID As Integer – Rev.io's ID of the Inventory Batch this device is currently affiliated with.
- BatchName As String – Name of the Inventory Batch for this device.
- BatchItemID As Integer – Rev.io's ID of the Inventory Batch Item representing this device on the Inventory Batch it is currently affiliated with.
- BatchItemStatus As String – Status in Rev.io of this Inventory Batch Item.
- NEW – has not been sent to the Wireless Provider yet for activation.
- PENDING – sent to the Wireless Provider – awaiting a response.
- ERROR – response received by the Wireless Provider – problem activating the device.
- COMPLETE – activated successfully with the Wireless Provider.
- BatchItemSuspendStatus As String – Indicates if a device has been Suspended (or Hotlined) while it is currently part of an Inventory Batch.
- NA – not currently suspended.
- PENDING – suspension (or hotline) request sent to the Wireless Provider – awaiting response.
- ERROR – an error occurred when trying to suspend (or hotline) this device.
- COMPLETE – currently suspended (or hotlined) with the Wireless Provider.
- CustomerID As Integer – If assigned to a customer, the Rev.io ID of the Customer.
- MDN_or_MSISDN As String – 10-digit Mobile Device Number (CDMA) or MSISDN (GSM).
- MSID_or_MIN As String – 10-digit Mobile System Identification (Sprint) or MIN (Verizon Wireless).
- Status As String
- AVAILABLE – available to be batched or assigned to a Customer.
- UNAVAILABLE – unavailable to be used – defective, returned, etc.
- ASSIGNED – currently assigned to a Customer.
- BATCHED – on an Inventory Batch currently.
- Created_Date As Date – date/time the Inventory Item was created.
Performs a swap of inventory associated with a subscriber with the wireless provider.
Required Input
- MDN As String – the MDN (CDMA) or MSISDN (GSM) of the wireless subscriber whose inventory is being swapped.
- ESN As String –the ESN or MEID of the new wireless device to which are swapping.
Optional / Conditional Input
- ICCID As String – the ICCID of the new wireless SIM card to which we are swapping. The swap can fail if the existing device is GSM that requires a SIM card and this it is not provided.
- NewMSL As String – the New MSL to be associated with the new wireless device to which we are swapping. If this is not populated, the code from the wireless provider will be used.
- NewProductID As Integer – new product to assign to inventory item. This is essentially required if the new device is not compatible with the old product.
- NewICCIDProductID As Integer – new product to assign to secondary inventory item (ICCID). This is essentially required if the new device is not compatible with the old product.
- CustomerID As Integer – Rev.io's customer ID that is associated with the wireless device / SIM. Will only be provided if there is an association with a customer.
- InventorySwapID As Integer – Rev.io's id of the request / results to swap the inventory.
- ESN As String – the ESN or MEID of the new wireless device that was swapped. This is mirrored back from the request.
- ICCID As String – the ICCID of the new wireless SIM card that was swapped. This is mirrored back from the request (if applicable).
- MDN As String – the MDN associated with the wireless subscriber. This comes from the communication with the provider but should match what is provided in the request.
- MSID As String – MSID or MIN associated with the wireless subscriber whose inventory was swapped.
- IMSI As String – IMSI associated with the wireless SIM card that was swapped (if GSM).
- MSL As String – MSL code that was provided in the request. If none was provided, then the provider default is given.
Performs an MDN swap for the subscriber with the wireless provider.
Required Input
- MDN As String – the MDN (CDMA) or MSISDN (GSM) of the wireless subscriber that is being swapped.
- Zip As String – zip code where the MDN will be swapped (for providing new MDN with new coverage service area)
- CustomerID As Integer – Rev.io's customer ID that is associated with the wireless device / MDN. Will only be provided if it is associated with a customer.
- SwapMDNID As Integer – Rev.io's id of the request / results to swap the MDN.
- MDN As String – the new MDN of the wireless subscriber.
- MSID As String – the new MSID or MIN of the wireless subscriber.
- IMSI As String – the new IMSI associated with the wireless SIM card (if GSM).
- MSL As String – MSL code for the wireless device.
- ESN As String – the ESN or MEID associated with the wireless subscriber.
- ICCID As String – the ICCID of the SIM card associated with the wireless subscriber (if GSM).
Validates a specific wireless device with a wireless provider
Required Input
- CarrierID As Integer – ID of the Rev.io provider to which the Verify Coverage request is to be submitted.
- Identifier As String – the ESN / MEID identifier of the device to be validated
- SIMIdentifier As String – the SIM identifier to be validated with the ESN / MEID (to verify compatibility)
- Valid As Boolean – indicates whether or not the request was successful
- Message As String – device state message returned from provider
Verifies coverage of a specific area (zip-code) with a wireless provider and returns the associated CSA.
Required Input
- CarrierID As Integer – ID of the Rev.io provider to which the Verify Coverage request is to be submitted.
- Zip As String – the Zip-code of the area of which coverage is to be verified against.
- CSA As String – if coverage of the area is verified - the associated CSA will be returned. Otherwise no result will be returned with the response marked as invalid.
Updated over 6 years ago