Suggesting Edits
Help us improve our developer portal.
Noticed a typo? Have an idea to make our portal better? Let us know!
On many of the pages in this portal, you'll find a "Suggest Edits" link. Click it and you'll see a copy of the page where you can suggest whatever changes you want. We'll be notified of your suggestion and just might publish your version of the page!
How do I suggest edits?
First, you'll want to find the "Suggest Edits" link on the page you're viewing. On our documentation pages, these links are in the top-right corner.
1. Click "Suggest Edits"
When you're on the page you want to change, click the "Suggest Edits" link.
2. Log in
Before you can edit, you may be prompted to log in with a ReadMe account. Enter your email and password, then click "Login". (If you don't have an account yet, just click "Signup" to create a new one.)
3. Edit the page
When you're logged in, you'll be taken to an editable copy of the page you were looking at. You'll be able to add, remove, or change whatever content you see. When you're done editing, scroll up to the top of the page and click "Submit Suggested Edits".
4. Submit your changes
Once you click to submit your edits, a box will pop up asking for a "commit message" and description. For the commit message, enter a summary of the changes you made, and in the description, put any other details you'd like us to know. Click "Submit" to go ahead and suggest your changes.
5. We'll review
After you've finished submitting your changes, we'll be notified and will review your suggestion as soon as we can. If it makes sense, we'll publish your changes!
Updated almost 7 years ago