Integration Linking Solution
For setting up integrations, the REST API now has the ability to create primary key links between and external systems Our API currently fully supports the ability to view, create and search Key Links.
Integration Linking Solution
For setting up integrations, the REST API now has the ability to create primary key links between and external systems Our API currently fully supports the ability to view, create and search Key Links. In addition the solution supports any number of integrations and multiple external links for each entity type. Note: This approach is preferred over the use of custom fields because you can Search for keylinks using your external data elements (external_id), whereas our API endpoints do not support the ability to search by custom fields across the board.
There are three API endpoints.
The IntegrationSystem endpoint returns each type of integration system. Only GET is supported. Reach out to [email protected] if you need any specific Integration Systems added.
The IntegrationEntityType endpoint returns the types of data models can link up. Only GET is supported. Supported entities include:
Agent, Bill, Contact, Customer, Service_Product, Credit, Charge, Service, Payment, Product, Address, Inventory_Item
The IntegrationKeyLink endpoint contains each of the key link pairs. GET, POST, PUT and DELETE are supported. When creating a key link, there is API validation that happens in that confirms the primary key does in fact exist in
Example of how to use these endpoints to create a successful key link:
If you'd like to link up Salesforce Account ID "0012D00000dAsFzQAK" with Customer ID 1015
Using the IntegrationSystem API endpoint, search on the "system_name" field for "SALESFORCE" which will return the "integration_system_id" of 4 to use.
Using the IntegrationEntityType API endpoint, search on the "entity_type_name" for "CUSTOMER" which will return the "integration_entity_type_id" of 2 to use.
Using the IntegrationKeyLink API endpoint, create a new key link by setting "integration_system_id" equal to 4, "integration_entity_type_id" equal to 2, "internal_id" equal to 1015, and "external_id" to "0012D00000dAsFzQAK".
Now you would have a key link saved successfully that you can view, search for, delete, or update. With this key link, it can be used to check if we have already processed certain IDs of data (duplicate checking) or to pair up primary keys especially for reporting purposes.
Updated almost 2 years ago