Creates a new order to add a service to a customer with the package specified
Required Input
- CustomerID As Integer – Required. An existing Customer ID in Rev.io.
- PackageID As Integer – maps to an Rev.io Package (Settings > Packages)
Optional/Conditional Input
- ESN As String – Optional – When specified, this inventory will be associated with the order created.
- WirelessICCID As String – Optional – When specified, this SIM inventory will be associated with the order created.
- WirelessPort – (Required only when a Wireless MDN is being ported from another provider.)
- MDN As String – Mobile Device Number (or phone number) being ported.
- AccountNumber As String – Customer's account number with previous provider.
- AuthorizedSigner As String – Customer's full name that has authorization to request this port.
- PINPassword As String – Customer's password with previous provider.
- Remark As String – General comment to be sent with the port request.
- Address As Address – Address currently assigned to the device being ported
- ID As Integer – Prohibited.
- FirstName As String – Required.
- LastName As String – Required.
- Address1 As String – Required.
- Address2 As String – Optional.
- City As String – Required.
- State As String – Required. 2 characters.
- Zip As String – Required. 5 digits. Must be valid zip code.
- Zip4 As String – Optional. Must be 4 digits if specified.
- Country As String – 3 character Country ISO code. Defaults to USA if not specified.
- ExternalProvider As Enum_Carrier_Code – New Provider for porting the MDN. This is required if the order is to be sent through Ready. Supplied Provider must be a wireless provider.
- ShippingAddress (Shipping Address. Conditionally required.)
- ID As Integer – Prohibited.
- FirstName As String – Required.
- LastName As String – Required.
- Address1 As String – Required.
- Address2 As String – Optional.
- City As String – Required.
- State As String – Required. 2 characters.
- Zip As String – Required. 5 digits. Must be valid zip code.
- Zip4 As String – Optional. Must be 4 digits if specified.
- Country As String – 3 character Country ISO code. Defaults to USA if not specified.
- AdditionalProducts (used to specify additional products to be included as part of the order – e.g. shipping fees, connection charges, phones, etc)
- Product (repeats)
- ProductID As Integer – Required – Refers to an Rev.io Product ID (Settings > Products).
- Rate As Decimal – Optional – If specified, the Product on the Order will use this rate. Otherwise, it will use the default rate from Settings > Products.
- Quantity As Integer – Optional – If specified, the Product on the Order will use this quantity (must be greater than or equal to 1). Otherwise, a quantity of 1 is assumed.
- Description As String – Optional – If specified, the Product on the Order will use this description. Otherwise, it will use the default description from Settings > Products.
- Product (repeats)
- LineTypeID As Integer – Settings > Service Types.
- ProcessID As Integer – Settings > Processes.
- Description As String – Optional – When specified, the service will be created with the specified description.
- ReconnectTN As String – Optional – When specified, the service will be created with the specified TN and the resulting order will be marked as a reconnect order.
- SendOrders As Boolean – Optional – if set to True, will send any resultant orders to the provider immediately instead of waiting for flow-through to send. Defaults to False.
- Orders As List (Of Integer) – Order IDs created.
- Lines As List (Of Integer) – Service IDs created.
If WirelessESN is specified and the Inventory Item it references is in AVAILABLE status, the Inventory Item will be assigned to the Customer's account, and the orders created will be set to Flow Through if possible to send to the respective providers/downstream systems.
- You can poll Customers_Query to check the Customer's status and retrieve the MDN/MSID once completed or you can poll Orders_Search or Orders_Query to check the status of the individual orders to know when it is completed if needed.
- Take into consideration an activation order could result in an error and require an automatic resend by Rev.io or manual intervention by a provisioning rep so there will be times when the order does not complete right away.
Create a Suspend, Disconnect, Restore, Additional Service, or Change Order.
One of the following may be specified:
- CustomerID As Integer – Customer ID for suspension. Optional if TN is specified.
- FlowThrough As Boolean – Default is True - use this to instruct Rev.io to automatically send an order (True) or not (False). Note: If the user has the auto-flow permissions set, the order will send regardless of this option.
- Status As Enum_Order_Status – Prohibited, however if specified, must be "NEW".
- StatusNote As String – Prohibited.
- TN As String – A specific TN to suspend. Optional if "LineID" (Rev.io Service ID) is specified.
- LineID As Integer – A specific Service ID to suspend. Either "TN" or "LineID" (Rev.io Service ID) must be specified - both "TN" and "LineID" cannot be specified together.
- SuspendType As Enum_Suspend_Type – Type of suspension. Possible values are:
- ALL – Normal suspend. Customer cannot make or receive phone calls.
- INCOMING – Customer cannot receive incoming calls but can make outgoing calls. For wireless, this will hotline the device.
- OUTGOING – Customer cannot make calls but may receive them. This is not applicable for wireless.
- ProcessID As Integer – Optional – Settings > Processes.
CustomerID As Integer – Customer ID for disconnection. Optional if TN is specified.
FlowThrough As Boolean – Default is True - use this to instruct Rev.io to automatically send an order (True) or not (False). Note: If the user has the auto-flow permissions set, the order will send regardless of this option.
Status As Enum_Order_Status – Prohibited, however if specified, must be "NEW".
StatusNote As String – Prohibited.
TN As String – A specific TN to disconnect. If not specified then the entire account will be disconnected. Optional if "LineID" (Rev.io Service ID) is specified.
LineID As Integer – A specific Rev.io Service ID to suspend.
InventoryItemStatus As Enum_Inventory_Item_Status – The status of the inventory item after the order has been completed. Possible values:
- AVAILABLE – Inventory is able to be assigned to a customer or a batch.
- UNAVAILABLE – Inventory is not assigned and is unable to be used.
- ASSIGNED – The inventory will remain on the customer account.
ProcessID As Integer – Optional – Settings > Processes.
- CustomerID As Integer – Customer ID for restoration. Optional if TN is specified.
- FlowThrough As Boolean – Default is True - use this to instruct Rev.io to automatically send an order (True) or not (False). Note: If the user has the auto-flow permissions set, the order will send regardless of this option.
- Status As Enum_Order_Status – Prohibited, however if specified, must be "NEW".
- StatusNote As String – Prohibited.
- TN As String – A specific TN to be restored. Optional if "LineID" (Rev.io Service ID) is specified.
- LineID As Integer – A specific Rev.io Service ID to suspend. Either "TN" or "LineID" (Rev.io Service ID) must be specified - both "TN" and "LineID" cannot be specified together.
- ProcessID As Integer – Optional – Settings > Processes.
AddLine (AddService)
- BillingOption – The billing option to use when generating the order. Can be one of the following:
- DIFFERENCE – Charge the amount of difference this bill cycle (Now)
- NEXT_CYCLE – Start charging next bill cycle. (No Proration)
- PRORATE – Charge based on order completion date.
- Lines – List of services to add.
- Line – Single service
- LineID As Integer – Ignored.
- TN As String – New service TN. Leave blank or use ten "0"s to indicate a new service without an existing TN.
- PackageID As Integer – Package ID to use for new service. Can be "0" if client configuration allows and at least one provisionable product is specified in the Products array.
- CarrierID As Integer – Rev.io Provider ID to use for new package. May be excluded if PackageID is specified. If PackageID is specified, then the provider specified must match the provider indicated on the package.
- CarrierAccountID As Integer – Specific provider account ID to use. If not specified then the default provider account will be used.
- AltBTNID As Integer – Optional – Alt BTN to tie the new service to. Service must already be its own BTN to be able to be used.
- Description As String – Optional – Service description.
- PBXMake As String – Optional – Make of PBX, if applicable.
- PBXModel As String – Optional – Model of PBX, if applicable.
- Products – List of additional products to add to this service
- Product – Individual product.
- ProductID As Integer – Rev.io product id.
- Rate As Decimal – If specified, will override rate of product to specified rate. A negative rate indicates a credit.
- Quantity As Integer – If specified, will set the quantity of the product (must be greater than or equal to 1). Otherwise, a quantity of 1 is assumed.
- Product – Individual product.
- LineTypeID As Integer – Optional – Settings > Service Types.
- Line – Single service
- ProcessID As Integer – Optional – Settings > Processes.
- BillingOption – The billing option to use when generating the order. Can be one of the following:
- DIFFERENCE – Charge the amount of difference this bill cycle (Now)
- NEXT_CYCLE – Start charging next bill cycle. (No Proration)
- PRORATE – Charge based on order completion date.
- IgnoreRelatedProducts As Boolean – Included products (from Product Groups) will automatically be added and/or disconnected by default. Set to True to stop this from happening.
- Lines – List of services to change on an account.
- Change – A service to change
- LineID As Integer – Rev.io service id to change. Optional if TN is specified.
- TN As String – Rev.io TN to change. Optional if LineID (Rev.io Service ID) is specified.
- Products – List of products to change.
- Add – Add a product to the service.
- ProductID As Integer – Rev.io product id.
- Rate As Decimal – If specified, will override rate of product to specified rate. A negative rate indicates a credit.
- Quantity As Integer – Quantity of product.
- Change – Change a product on the service
- CustomerProductID As Integer – Rev.io customer product id of product to change.
- Rate As Decimal – New rate of product.
- Quantity As Integer – New quantity of product.
- Remove – Remove a product on the service.
- CustomerProductID As Integer – Rev.io customer product id of product to remove.
- Add – Add a product to the service.
- Disconnect – A service to disconnect
- LineID As Integer – Rev.io service id to disconnect. Optional if TN is specified.
- TN As String – Rev.io TN to disconnect. Optional if LineID (Rev.io Service ID) is specified.
- Change – A service to change
- ProcessID As Integer – Optional – Settings > Processes.
Package Change
- LineID As Integer – Rev.io Service ID for package change. Not required if TN is specified.
- TN As String – TN for package change. Not required if LineID (Rev.io Service ID) is specified.
- PackageID As Integer – New PackageID to assign to service.
- Prorate As Boolean – Prorate any changes due to changing products.
- OrderIDs – List of Order ID's created to perform action requested.
- OrderID As Integer – Individual order id
Gets the details of an order.
- OrderID As Integer – Rev.io Order ID.
One of the following will be returned based on the order type.
- Suspend – Suspend order information
- CustomerID As Integer – Rev.io Customer ID.
- Status As Enum_Order_Status – Current order status, will be one of the values from Standard Values: Enum_Order_Status
- StatusNote As String – Note for status.
- TN As String – If order involves only one service, then the TN of that service.
- LineID As Integer – If order involves only one service, then the ID of that service.
- SuspendType As Enum_Suspend_Type – Type of suspension. Possible values are:
- ALL – Normal suspend. Customer cannot make or receive phone calls.
- INCOMING – Customer cannot receive incoming calls but can make outgoing calls. For wireless, this will hotline the device.
- OUTGOING – Customer cannot make calls but may receive them. This is not applicable for wireless.
- Disconnect – Disconnect order information
- CustomerID As Integer – Rev.io Customer ID.
- Status As Enum_Order_Status – Current order status, will be one of the values from Standard Values: Enum_Order_Status.
- StatusNote As String – Note for status.
- TN As String – If order involves only one service, then the TN of that service.
- LineID As Integer – If order involves only one service, then the ID of that service.
- Restore – Restore order information
- CustomerID As Integer – Rev.io Customer ID.
- Status As Enum_Order_Status – Current order status, will be one of the values from Standard Values: Enum_Order_Status.
- StatusNote As String – Note for status.
- TN As String – If order involves only one service, then the TN of that service.
- LineID As Integer – If order involves only one service, then the ID of that service.
- AddLine – Add service order information.
- Lines – List of services being added to the account for this order.
- Line – Single service
- LineID As Integer – Service ID of new service (after order completion).
- TN As String – TN of new service.
- PackageID As Integer – Package ID of new service.
- CarrierID As Integer – Provider ID of new service.
- CarrierAccountID As Integer – Provider Account ID of new service.
- Products – List of additional products to add to this service
- Product – Individual product.
- ProductID As Integer – Rev.io product id.
- Rate As Decimal – Rate of additional product. A negative rate indicates a credit.
- Quantity As Integer– Quantity of additional product.
- Product – Individual product.
- Line – Single service
- Lines – List of services being added to the account for this order.
- Change – Change order information
- Lines – List of services changing on this order.
- Change – A service which has changing products.
- LineID As Integer – Rev.io service id of service changing.
- TN As String – TN of service changing.
- Products – List of products that are changing.
- Add – A product which is being added to a service.
- ProductID As Integer – Rev.io product id.
- Rate As Decimal – Rate of product. A negative rate indicates a credit.
- Quantity As Integer– Quantity of product.
- Change – A product which is being changed.
- CustomerProductID As Integer – Rev.io customer product id.
- Rate As Decimal – New rate of product.
- Quantity As Integer– New quantity of product.
- Remove – A product which is being removed.
- CustomerProductID As Integer – Rev.io customer product id of product being removed..
- Add – A product which is being added to a service.
- Disconnect – A service being completely disconnected.
- LineID As Integer – Rev.io Service ID.
- TN As String – TN of service being disconnected.
- Change – A service which has changing products.
- Lines – List of services changing on this order.
Search for orders and return one or more results if found.
Optional Input
- BillProfileID As List (Of Integer) – One or more Bill Profiles in Rev.io. Return orders for Customers on this/these Bill Profile(s) when specified.
- CustomerID As List (Of Integer) – One or more Customer IDs in Rev.io. Returns orders only for these specific Customers when specified.
- CarrierID As List (Of Integer) – One or more Rev.io Provider IDs. Returns orders only for these specific Providers when specified.
- OrderID As List (Of Integer) – One or more Rev.io Order IDs. Returns orders only for these specific Order IDs when specified.
- OrderType As List (Of Enum_Order_Type) – One or more Rev.io Order Types. Returns orders only for these specific types when specified. See: Enum_Order_Type
- Status As List (Of Enum_Order_Status) – One or more Rev.io Status codes. Returns orders only for these specific codes when specified. See: Enum_Order_Status
- PON As List (Of String) – One or more Purchase Order Numbers (PONs). Each order in Rev.io is automatically assigned a PON to uniquely track/identify it. Returns orders only matching these PONs when specified.
- TN As List (Of String) – One or more Telephone Numbers (TNs) associated with lines created by the order.
- Identifier As List (Of String) – One or more Identifiers associated with inventory assigned with the order.
- ShowServiceDetails As Boolean – If set, returns ServiceItems associated with the order.
- RequiresRouteDecision As Boolean – returns orders that need to have a process route chosen (Settings > Processes).
A list of orders matching the search criteria containing the following fields:
- CustomerID As Integer – Rev.io Customer ID.
- Status As Enum_Order_Status – Current order status, will be one of the values from Standard Values: Enum_Order_Status
- OrderID As Integer – the unique ID for this order.
- PON As String – Purchase Order Number – a unique alpha-numberic identifier for the order.
- Order_Type As Enum_Order_Type – Disconnect/New, etc – will be one of the values from Standard Values: Enum_Order_Type.
- Created_Date As Date – date/time order was created.
- Tracking_Number As String – shipping tracking number if specified.
- Carrier As String – description of the provider assigned to this order.
- Carrier_ID As Integer – ID of provider assigned to this order.
- Carrier_Account As String – description of provider account assigned to the order if applicable.
- Carrier_Account_ID As Integer – ID of provider account assigned to this order.
- Services – list of ServiceItems associated with the order. Only returned when ShowServiceDetails is set.
- Routes – process routes that can be selected for this order (Settings > Processes > Routes)
- Route (repeats)
- ID As Integer – Refers to a Process Route ID (Settings > Processes > Routes). This can be used with Orders_Update to choose a route for the order.
- Description As String – Text description of the process route for reference.
- Route (repeats)
Update one or more fields on an existing order.
Required Input
- OrderID As Integer – Rev.io Order ID
Optional Input
- Status As Enum_Order_Status – Optionally change the status of an order. Value values are documented in: Enum_Order_Status.
- StatusNote As String – Set the note associated with the order status change. Can only be set when updating the order status.
- FlowThroughFlag As Boolean – Optionally turn on or off the Flow Through Flag on an order. When turned on, Rev.io will automatically send the order to the respective provider.
- CompletionDate As Date – Can only be set when changing an order to COMPLETE status. If not set, will default to today's date.
- TrackingNumber As String – UPS, Fedex, USPS, etc tracking number for an order.
- ShippingStatus As Enum_Shipping_Status – NOT_SHIPPED or SHIPPED.
- ProcessID As Integer – Set the process for the order, or clear the current process by specifying "0".
- ProcessRouteID As Integer – Selects a route for the order (if necessary). Values can be searched / found with Orders_Query.
- Lines – List of services to change on an account.
- Change – A service to change
- LineID As Integer – Rev.io service id to change. Optional if TN is specified.
- TN As String – Rev.io TN to change. Optional if LineID (Rev.io Service ID) is specified.
- Products – List of products to change.
- Add – Add a product to the service.
- ProductID As Integer – Rev.io product id.
- Rate As Decimal – If specified, will override rate of product to specified rate. A negative rate indicates a credit.
- Quantity As Integer – Quantity of product.
- Change – Change a product on the service
- CustomerProductID As Integer – Rev.io customer product id of product to change.
- Rate As Decimal – New rate of product.
- Quantity As Integer – New quantity of product.
- Remove – Remove a product on the service.
- CustomerProductID As Integer – Rev.io customer product id of product to remove.
- Add – Add a product to the service.
- Change – A service to change
- Standard output fields (e.g. Success = True)
Updated over 6 years ago