Used to create new Products in the Product Catalog.
Required Input
- CarrierID As Integer – the provider to which the new product will be associated
- ProductTypeID As Integer – the product type to which the new product will be associated
Optional/Conditional Input
- ID As Integer – this node should be left "null" for Product_Create requests
- Description As String – a description of the product
- Code1 As String – the product's "Code1" value (often used for provisioning)
- Code2 As String – the product's "Code2" value (often used for provisioning)
- Rate As Decimal – the rate at which the product will be charged
- Cost As Decimal – the cost at which the product will be charged
- FreeMonths As Integer – the amount of free cycles for which the product will not produce a charge
- AutomaticExpiration As Integer – the amount of cycles until which the product will automatically expire
- BillingMonths As Integer – the amount of months for which the product will bill
- State As String – the state to which the product will be associated
- BillInArrears As Boolean – indicates whether or not the product will bill in arrears
- Prorate As Boolean – indicates whether or not the product will prorate
- ProductCategoryID As Integer – the G/L code (previously known as product category) to which the product will be associated
- OrderCompletionBilling As Boolean – indicates whether or not the product will wait to bill until its originating order has completed
- CreatesOrder As Boolean – indicates whether or not the product will create an order when added to an account
- Fields As List(Of CustomField) –
-FieldID As Integer – the ID of the custom field that is being added to the product- Label As String – the label of the custom field that is being added to the product
- Value As String – the value of the custom field that is being added to the product
- ActiveFlag As Boolean – indicates whether or not the product is active
- ProductID As Integer – the ID of the product that was created
Required Input
Optional/Conditional Input
- ProductID As Integer – when specified, will only return an item matching this.
- State As String – when specified, will only return items valid in this state
- CarrierID As Integer – when specified, will only return items for this provider. Cannot be used with CarrierCode.
- CarrierCode As String – when specified, will only return items for this provider. Cannot be used with CarrierID.
- CustomerClass As String – when specified, will only return items that are Business or Residential. By default it returns all.
- IncludeNonLineCarrierProducts As Boolean – when specified, will return products from other non-provisionable providers (e.g. INHOUSE).
- IncludeRecurring As Boolean – when set to true, will return products that are recurring. When set to false, will exclude recurring products.
- IncludeOneTime As Boolean – when set to true, will return products that are non-recurring/one-time. When set to false, will exclude non-recurring/one-time products.
- ProductTypeID As Integer – when specified, will only return items assigned to this Product Type. Cannot be used with ProductTypeCode.
- ProductTypeCode As String – when specified, will only return items assigned to this Product Type. Cannot be used with ProductTypeID.
- AttributeKey As String – when specified, will only return items that contain an attribute with this key.
- AttributeValue As String – when specified, will only return items that contain an attribute with a key of AttributeKey and a value of AttributeValue.
- Zip As String – when specified, must be 5 digits. Must be valid zip code.
- BillProfileID As Integer – when specified, will only return items assigned to this Bill Profile.
- AvailabilityLocation As String – when specified, will only return items available based on this setting. Valid values:
- Available_On_Agent_Portal_Flag
- Available_Auto_Recharge
- Available_BillCenter
- Available_Replenish
- Available_On_Signup_Flag
- ProductCategoryID As Integer – when specified, will only return item with the specified Product Category.
- LineTypeID As Integer – when specified, will only return items assigned to this Service Type.
- A list of matching:
- ID As Integer – The product ID from Settings > Product Catalog.
- Name As String – The short description of the product.
- Description As String – The long description of the product.
- WholesaleDescription As String – The wholesale description of the product.
- Rate As Decimal – The product rate.
- Cost As Decimal – The product cost.
- Taxes As Decimal – Will always be 0.00 for this function.
- BillProfiles – Array of BillProfileItem items.
- BillProfileItem As BillProfileItem
- ID As Integer – Bill Profile ID
- Name As String – Bill Profile description
- BillProfileItem As BillProfileItem
- LineTypes – Array of LineTypeItem items, each representing a Service Type.
- LineTypeItem As LineTypeItem
- ID As Integer – Service Type ID
- Description As String – Service Type description
- LineTypeItem As LineTypeItem
- Provisioning
- Code1 As String – Product Code 1 / USOC / SOC – used for provisioning.
- Code2 As String – Product Code 2 / Feature Detail – used for provisioning.
- Enabled As Boolean – If this product is setup to be included on orders.
- Wireless
- Allowances – Array of WirelessProductAllowance items
- WirelessProductAllowance As WirelessProductAllowing
- Expiration_Days As Integer – Number of days product will expire.
- Nights_Weekends_Flag As Boolean – Product is a night and weekend product.
- Unlimited_Flag As Boolean – Product is an unlimited product.
- Quantity As Integer – Quantity of allowance.
- Data_Flag As Boolean – Product is a data product.
- SMS_Flag As BooleanAs Boolean – Product is an SMS product.
- Voice_Flag As Boolean – Product is a Voice product.
- WirelessProductAllowance As WirelessProductAllowing
- Allowances – Array of WirelessProductAllowance items
Used to update Products in the Product Catalog.
Required Input
- ID As Integer – the ID of the product that is to be updated
- CarrierID As Integer – the provider to which the new product will be associated
- ProductTypeID As Integer – the product type to which the new product will be associated
Optional/Conditional Input
- Description As String – a description of the product
- Code1 (USOC) As String – the product's "Code1" value (often used for provisioning)
- Code2 As String – the product's "Code2" value (often used for provisioning)
- Rate As Decimal – the rate at which the product will be charged
- Cost As Decimal – the cost at which the product will be charged
- FreeMonths As Integer – the amount of free cycles for which the product will not produce a charge
- AutomaticExpiration As Integer – the amount of cycles until which the product will automatically expire
- BillingMonths As Integer – the amount of months for which the product will bill
- State As String – the state to which the product will be associated
- BillInArrears As Boolean – indicates whether or not the product will bill in arrears
- Prorate As Boolean – indicates whether or not the product will prorate
- ProductCategoryID As Integer – the G/L code (previously known as product category) to which the product will be associated
- OrderCompletionBilling As Boolean – indicates whether or not the product will wait to bill until its originating order has completed
- CreatesOrder As Boolean – indicates whether or not the product will create an order when added to an account
- ActiveFlag As Boolean – indicates whether or not the product is active
- Fields As List(Of CustomField) –
- FieldID As Integer** – the ID of the custom field that is being added to the product
- Label As String** – the label of the custom field that is being added to the product
- Value As String**– the value of the custom field that is being added to the product
- A basic response with a successful header will be returned if the product is updated successfully - otherwise an error will be returned
Updated over 6 years ago