For information about Customers in, please see Customer Relationship Management in the Help Center.
Looks up a customer in
- Choice of:
- CustomerID As Integer – ID of customer to lookup.
- TN As String – TN of service on customer's account.
- Inventory – Object describing an inventory item associated with a customer.
- Identifier As String – Inventory identifier of inventory.
- Type As String – Optional. Type of inventory item. Must be "Mobile_Device" or "SIM_Card". If not specified, will assume "Mobile_Device".
- Customer
- ID As Integer – Customer ID
- AcctNum As String – Custom account number
- AgentID As Integer – Agent ID
- AgentNumber As Integer – Agent account number of associated agent id.
- BIllProfileID As Integer – ID of customer's bill profile.
- CustomerClass As Enum – Customers class, either "Residential" or "Business"
- BillMethod As Enum – Customers billing method "PRINT_ONLY", "EMAIL_ONLY", "BOTH", or "NONE"
- IsParentAccount As Boolean – Indicates if the customer is a parent account.
- ParentAccountID As Integer – Indicates if the customer is a child account of another customer.
- ContractStart As Date – the starting date of the customer's contract.
- ContractEnd As Date – the ending date of the customer's contract.
- SecurityPIN As String – Customer's security pin.
- Language As String – Customer's preferred language.
- PhysicalAddress – Customer's physical (service) address.
- ID As Integer – Internal address id of address.
- FirstName As String – Customer's first name (if CustomerClass is "Residential").
- LastName As String – Customer's last name (if CustomerClass is "Residential") and Customer's second last name Concatenated.
- MiddleName As String – Customer's middle name (if CustomerClass is "Residential").
- Suffix As String – Customer's name suffix (if CustomerClass is "Residential").
- CompanyName As String – Customer's name suffix (if CustomerClass is "Residential").
- Address1 As String – Customer's address, first line.
- Address2 As String – Customer's address, second line.
- City As String – Customer's city
- State As String – Customer's State
- Zip As String – Customer's zip code (first 5 digits only).
- Zip4 As String – Customer's +4 portion of zip code.
- Country As String – 3 character Country ISO code.
- MailingAddress – Customer's mailing (billing) address.
- ID As Integer – Internal address id of address.
- FirstName As String – Customer's first name (if CustomerClass is "Residential").
- LastName As String – Customer's last name (if CustomerClass is "Residential") and Customer's second last name Concatenated.
- MiddleName As String – Customer's middle name (if CustomerClass is "Residential").
- Suffix As String – Customer's name suffix (if CustomerClass is "Residential").
- CompanyName As String – Customer's company name (if CustomerClass is "Business").
- Address1 As String – Customer's address, first line.
- Address2 As String – Customer's address, second line.
- City As String – Customer's city
- State As String – Customer's State
- Zip As String – Customer's zip code (first 5 digits only).
- Zip4 As String – Customer's +4 portion of zip code.
- Country As String – 3 character Country ISO code.
- Customer/Billing (Customer's billing specific information)
- Balance As Decimal – Customer's current balance in
- Due As Decimal – Amount due at the next statement.
- Overdue As Decimal – Amount due on the previous statement.
- UnbilledUsage As Decimal – Total of unbilled customer usage.
- EnabledBalanceLimit As Boolean – Enables / Disables the customer's eligibility to be suspended or restored based on balance
- UsageBalanceLimit As Decimal – Customer's usage balance limit (used to trigger suspends and restores).
- PaymentTerms As Int – Customer's payment terms in
- PaymentTermsOverride As Boolean – Option on whether to override the default payment terms on the customer.
- DOB As Date – Customer's date of birth.
- DL As String – Customer's driver's license number.
- SSN As String – Customer's social security number.
- Email As String – Customer's email address.
- IsAutoDebit – The flag that specifies whether the customer has AutoDebit enabled.
- AutoPaymentAccountID – The Payment Account used for AutoDebit.
- AutoDebitDay – The day of the month when the AutoDebit takes place. If 0, then the AutoDebit takes place on the Due Date.
- LifeLine – Customer's lifeline information if applicable.
- LifelineTypeID As Integer – Lifeline Type ID of customer.
- SelfCertificationPDF As Byte – Not used in response.
- TemporaryAddress As Boolean – ndicates if the customer's physical address is temporary.
- SeparateEconomicUnit As Boolean – Indicates if customer is classified as a "Separate Economic Unit".
- Tribal As Boolean – Indicates if customer is a Tribal lifeline customer.
- ProofTypeID As Integer – Lifeline proof type
- ProofIdentifyingInformation As String – Lifeline proof identifying information.
- ProofNotes As String – Lifeline proof notes.
- Status As Enum_Lifeline_Status – Current lifeline status. Could be any of the following:
- NOT_SET – Lifeline status has not been set (should not be returned in practice, however it is the default value).
- NEEDS_FORM – Customer needs lifeline form.
- NEEDS_REVIEW – Customer's lifeline form needs to be reviewed.
- APPROVED – Customer's lifeline form/information has been approved.
- REJECTED – Customer's lifeline form/information has been rejected.
- MultipleHouseholds As Boolean – There are multiple households at the customer's address.
- ProofDocumentationPDF As Byte – Not used in response.
- HouseholdCount As Integer – The number of people living in the customer's household.
- AnnualIncome As Decimal – The customer's annual income in dollars.
- CertificationDate As Date – The customer's current certification date.
- OriginalCertificationDate As Date – The date the customer was first certified for lifeline.
- TPIVStatus As Enum_TPIV_Status – Current Third Party Identity Verification (TPIV) Status, will be one of the values from Standard Values: Enum_TPIV_Status .
- TaxExemptions – List of customer-level tax exemptions, can be one or more of the values from StandardValues: CCHTaxExemption or SureTaxTaxExemptionEnum. If not returned / empty, the customer is not tax exempt.
- Services – list of ServiceItems associated with the customer.
Updates a customer in
- Customer
- ID As Integer – CustomerID
- AcctNum As String – Custom account number.
- AgentID As Integer – AgentID
- AgentNumber As String – Agent account number of associated agent id. Ignored if AgentID is specified.
- BillProfileID As Integer – ID of customer's bill profile.
- SecurityPIN As String – Customer's security pin.
- IsParentAccount As Boolean – specifies whether or not the account is a parent account. Cannot be passed in conjunction with ParentAccountID. If the account hierarchy cannot be changed, standard error returned indicating the account must be migrated from is returned. Standard accounts can be upgraded to parent, but not vice versa.
- ParentAccountID As Integer – specifies an existing parent account for which this customer is to be made a child. Cannot be passed in conjunction with IsParentAccount. If the account cannot be changed, standard error returned indicating the account must be migrated from is returned.
- ContractStart As Date – specifies the starting date of the customer's contract.
- ContractEnd As Date – specifies the ending date of the customer's contract.
- Language As String – Customer's preferred language.
- PhysicalAddress – Customer's physical (service) address.
- ID As Integer – Ignored
- FirstName As String – Customer's first name (if CustomerClass is "Residential").
- LastName As String – Customer's last name (if CustomerClass is "Residential").
- CompanyName As String – Customer's company name (if CustomerClass is "Business").
- Address1 As String – Customer's address, first line.
- Address2 As String – Customer's address, second line.
- City As String – Customer's city
- State As String – Customer's state.
- Zip As String – Customer's zip code (first 5 digits only).
- Zip4 As String – Customer's +4 portion of zip code.
- Country As String – 3 character Country ISO code.
- MailingAddress – Customer's mailing (billing) address.
- ID As Integer – Ignored
- FirstName As String – Customer's first name (if CustomerClass is "Residential").
- LastName As String – Customer's last name (if CustomerClass is "Residential").
- CompanyName As String – Customer's company name (if CustomerClass is "Business").
- Address1 As String – Customer's address, first line.
- Address2 As String – Customer's address, second line.
- City As String – Customer's city
- State As String – Customer's state.
- Zip As String – Customer's zip code (first 5 digits only).
- Zip4 As String – Customer's +4 portion of zip code.
- Country As String – 3 character Country ISO code.
- Customer/Billing (Customer's billing specific information)
- Balance As Decimal – Customer's current balance in
- Due As Decimal – Amount due at the next statement.
- Overdue As Decimal – Amount due on the previous statement.
- UnbilledUsage As Decimal – Total of unbilled customer usage.
- EnabledBalanceLimit As Boolean – Enables / Disables the customer's eligibility to be suspended or restored based on balance
- UsageBalanceLimit As Decimal – Customer's usage balance limit (used to trigger suspends and restores).
- PaymentTerms As Int – Customer's payment terms in
- PaymentTermsOverride As Boolean – Option on whether to override the default payment terms on the customer.
- DOB As Date – Customer's date of birth.
- DL As String – Customer's driver's license number.
- SSN As String – Customer's social security number.
- Source As String – Source of customer creation.
- BillMethod As Enum – Customers billing method "PRINT_ONLY", "EMAIL_ONLY", "BOTH", or "NONE".
- Email As String – Customer's email address.
- Lifeline – Customer's lifeline information if applicable.
- LifelineTypeID As Integer – Lifeline Type ID of customer.
- SelfCertificationPDF As Byte – Self Certification PDF serialized into a byte array.
- TemporaryAddress As Boolean – Indicates if the customer's physical address is temporary.
- SeparateEconomicUnit As String – Indicates if customer is classified as a "Separate Economic Unit".
- Tribal As Boolean – Indicates if customer is a Tribal lifeline customer.
- ProofTypeID As Integer – Lifeline proof type
- ProofIdentifyingInformation As String – Lifeline proof identifying information.
- ProofNotes As String – Lifeline proof notes.
- Status As Enum_Lifeline_Status – Current lifeline status. Could be any of the following:
- NOT_SET – Lifeline status has not been set (should not be returned in practice, however it is the default value).
- NEEDS_FORM – Customer needs lifeline form.
- NEEDS_REVIEW – Customer's lifeline form needs to be reviewed.
- APPROVED – Customer's lifeline form/information has been approved.
- REJECTED – Customer's lifeline form/information has been rejected.
- MultipleHouseholds As Boolean – There are multiple households at the customer's address.
- ProofDocumentationPDF As Byte – Proof Documentation PDF serialized into a byte array.
- HouseholdCount As Integer – The number of people living in the customer's household.
- AnnualIncome As Decimal – The customer's annual income in dollars.
- CertificationDate As Date – The customer's current certification date.
- OriginalCertificationDate As Date – The date the customer was first certified for lifeline.
- TPIVStatus As Enum_TPIV_Status – Current Third Party Identity Verification (TPIV) Status, will be one of the values from Standard Values: Enum_TPIV_Status .
- Program As Enum_Lifeline_Program – Current regulatory designation of the account.
- NON_LIFELINE – Indicates account is not Lifeline configured.
- ETC_LIFELINE – Indicates account is Lifeline and you are acting as the Eligible Telecommunications Carrier recognized by the State in which service is provided.
- NON_ETC_LIFELINE – Indicates account is Lifeline and the LEC will act as the Eligible Telecommunications Carrier.
- Fields – List of customer-level custom fields.
- Field – Individual Custom Field
- FieldID As Integer – Custom Field ID. Not required if Label is specified.
- Label As String – Custom Field Label. Not required if FieldID is specified, however must match actual label if specified with FieldID.
- Value As String – New value of custom field.
- TaxExemptions – List of customer-level tax exemptions, can be one or more of the values from StandardValues: CCHTaxExemption or SureTaxTaxExemptionEnum. Not specifying the field at all means that no changes are made, and providing an empty list means that all tax exemptions are removed.
- IsAutoDebit – The flag that enables or disables AutoDebit.
- AutoPaymentAccountID – The Payment Account used for AutoDebit. If IsAutoDebitAuthorized is set to 1 to enroll a new customer, then this field must be specified. The Payment Account supplied must be an account that associated to the customer listed in this request.
- AutoDebitDay – The day of the month when the AutoDebit takes place. If 0, then the AutoDebit will take place on the Due Date.
Input - Change a non Lifeline customer to a Lifeline customer
- Customer
- ID As Integer – Customer ID
- DOB As Date – Customer's date of birth.
- SSN As String – Customer's social security number.
- Lifeline – Customer's lifeline information if applicable.
- LifelineTypeID As Integer – Lifeline Type ID of customer.
- Program As Enum_Lifeline_Program – Current regulatory designation of the account.
- ETC_LIFELINE – Indicates account is Lifeline and you are acting as the Eligible Telecommunications Carrier recognized by the State in which service is provided.
- NON_ETC_LIFELINE – Indicates account is Lifeline and the LEC will act as the Eligible Telecommunications Carrier.
- User calling API needs to have the permission MANUALLY_CHANGE_LIFELINE_INFORMATION
None if successful, otherwise normal error code and message.
Only fields specified in request will be updated. If field is specified, but null, then it will be ignored. However, if a field is specified with a default value, such as 0 or an empty string, then it will replace information currently on a customer's account. For example, the following will be ignored:
<SecurityPIN />
However, the following will not be ignored and will empty out the SecurityPIN field on the customer's account:
Please take this into consideration when updating an account using this API function.
This behavior is also true for any sub-objects, for example, to update just the customer's first name, the following may be used:
<PhysicalAddress> <FirstName>Test</FirstName> </PhysicalAddress>
Additionally note that the Customer ID cannot be changed, and must be specified for this API function.
Search for existing customers and/or locations that match your criteria.
Optional Input
- Person/Customer Query:
- FirstName As String – First Name of a customer for which to search.
- LastName As String – Last Name of customer. The Second Last Name can be included here as well. It is concatenated to the first with a single space.
- MiddleName As String – MiddleName of a customer for which to search.
- Suffix As String – MiddleName of a customer for which to search.
- SSNTaxID As String – Full SSN, EIN, Tribal ID, or other Tax ID.
- SSNTaxIDLast4 As String – Last 4 digits only of the customer's SSN, EIN, Tribal ID, or other Tax ID.
- DateOfBirth As Date – Customer's date of birth.
- DriversLicenseNumber As String – Full drivers license number – alpha-numeric only for best results.
- Location/Address Query:
- Street1 As String – Full street address according to USPS standards.
- Street2 As String – Apartment/Unit/Building, etc – according to USPS standards.
- City As String – City name – according to USPS standards.
- State As String – 2-character USPS State Abbreviation.
- ZIP As String – 5-digit USPS Zip code.
- Street1 As String – Full street address according to USPS standards.
- Options:
- IgnoreClosed As Boolean – True by default. When set to False, customers with a Status of CLOSED in will be returned as well.
- LifelinePrograms As List(of String) – list of Lifeline Programs that we should match on. If left blank, Program will not be considered in the matching query. (i.e. "NON_LIFELINE", "ETC_LIFELINE")
- MatchPatterns As List(of String) – list of combinations of fields that would be considered matches. If you specify a match pattern but don't populate the field in the request object (e.g. SSNTaxId as a match pattern, but leave SSNTaxId as blank on your customer information in the request), it will be skipped in searching.
- If not specified, the following match list is used:
- SSNTaxId
- DriversLicenseNumber
- SSNTaxIdLast4,DateOfBirth
- FirstName,LastName,SSNTaxIdLast4
- Street1,Street2,City,State,Zip
- Street1,Street2,City,State
- Street1,Street2,Zip
- If not specified, the following match list is used:
- MatchTotalCount As Integer – total number of matches found. Simplistically, if this is 0, there were not any existing customers found that match your search, and if it is > 0 then there is a duplicate.
- MatchPersonCount As Integer – the number of matches found that were based on the person/customer (e.g. name, DOB, SSN, etc)
- MatchLocationCount As Integer – the number of matches found that were based on the location address.
- Options – returns the options you specified, or the default values for any left empty.
- Matches – list of customers as described below:
- MatchPattern As String – E.g. SSNTaxId or FirstName,LastName,SSNTaxIdLast4
- MatchType As Enum_Match_Type – PERSON or LOCATION.
- CustomerID As Integer – Customer's ID from
- AcctNum As String – Account Number from (for companies with customized account numbering schemes – e.g. AA3332)
- Name As String – Customer's full name in
- Street1 As String – full street address as found in
- Street2 As String – apartment/unit/building, etc in
- CityStateZip As String – combined City, State, and Zip from (e.g. Pensacola, FL 32502)
- Status As Enum_Customer_Status – OPEN, PENDING, CLOSED, PROSPECT
- Created_Date As Date – Date & Time the Customer was created in
Create a new customer and order in
- Customer (Required Object)
- AcctNum As String – Optional – Custom account number
- AgentID As Integer – Optional – when specified, the customer created will be associated with this Agent. Cannot use with AgentNumber.
- AgentNumber As Integer – Optional – when specified, the customer created will be associated with this Agent. Cannot use with AgentID.
- BIllProfileID As Integer – Optional – when specified, the customer created will be set to this Bill Profile.
- BillMethod As Enum – Optional – Customers billing method "PRINT_ONLY", "EMAIL_ONLY", "BOTH", or "NONE"
- SecurityPIN As String – Optional – when specified, the customer created will be set to use this 4-digit Security PIN for accessing the account.
- Language As String – Optional – when specified, the customer created will be set to this Language (e.g. Spanish, English)
- DOB As Date – Optional – when specified, the customer created will be set to this value as the Date of Birth.
- DL As String – Optional – when specified, the customer created will be set to have this Drivers License #.
- SSN As String – Optional – when specified, the customer created will be set to have this Social Security Number.
- Source As String – Optional – can be used to specify the system that is entering this order. E.g. Kiosk1234, Public Website, IVR-A, etc.
- BillMethod As Enum – Optional – Customers billing method "PRINT_ONLY", "EMAIL_ONLY", "BOTH", or "NONE". If not provided, the customer will use the bill profile's default bill method.
- Email As String – Optional – can be used to specify customer's email address.
- CustomerClass As Enum – Optional – can be used to specify the customer's class. Valid values are "Residential" and "Business".
- IsParentAccount As Boolean – Optional – can be used to specify whether or not the account is created as a parent account. Cannot be passed in conjunction with ParentAccountID.
- ParentCustomerID As Integer – Optional – can be used to specify an existing parent account for which this customer is to be created as a child. Cannot be passed in conjunction with IsParentAccount.
- ContractStart As Date – Optional – can be used to set the starting date of the customer's contract.
- ContactEnd As Date – Optional – can be used to set the ending date of the customer's contract.
- Customer/Lifeline (Required for Lifeline Packages)
- Status As Enum_Lifeline_Status – Optional – If not specified, will default to NEEDS_FORM if no form is given in this request, or NEEDS_REVIEW or APPROVED if form is given depending on client configuration. Possible values include:
- Customer/Fields List of customer-level custom fields.
- Field – Individual Custom Field
- FieldID As Integer – Custom Field ID. Not required if Label is specified.
- Label As String – Custom Field Label. Not required if FieldID is specified, however must match actual label if specified with FieldID.
- Value As String – Value of custom field.
- LifelineTypeID As Integer – required when a Lifeline Package is specified on the Order. Use LifelineTypes_Query to find a valid ID.
- SelfCertificationPDF As Byte() – optional PDF of the customer's signed Self-certification Form. The customer will be created with NEEDS_FORM by default, and if this field is populated, the Lifeline Status will be set to NEEDS_REVIEW or APPROVED, depending on's default configuration.
- TemporaryAddress As Boolean – required for Lifeline Customers, this field indicates the customer resides at a temporary address and will need to be verified periodically per the FCC's guidelines.
- SeparateEconomicUnit As Boolean – required for Lifeline Customers, this field indicates the customer is a Separate Economic Unit as defined by the FCC's guidelines.
- Tribal As Boolean – optional to mark customer as Tribal
- CertificationDate As Date – indicates the customer's lifeline certification date or recertification date. Required only when lifeline status is "APPROVED".
- OriginalCertificationDate As Date – Optional – indicates the customer's original lifeline certification date. If not specified, will be set to the value of the CertificationDate field.
- ProofTypeID As Integer – optional to pass the ID for the type of proof document the customer submitted to verify Lifeline eligibility.
- ProofIdentifyingInformation As String – optional to pass information of the proof type. For example, the last four digits of the account on the proof document supplied by the customer.
- ProofNotes As String – optional to pass any text related to the proof document.
- MultipleHouseholds As Boolean – optional to identify the physical address containing more than one household
- HouseholdCount As Integer – optional number of persons in the customer's household. Must be 1 or greater.
- AnnualIncome As Integer – optional enter annual income for customer
- CGM_Reservation As String – optional pass the reservation CGM token from their intercompany duplicate database (IDD)
- NLADEnrolled As Boolean – Optional – Indicates that the customer was already enrolled in NLAD external from If "True", will insert an enrollment record with the information given in this API call and mark the request as complete without actually sending the request to NLAD. If no active NLAD profile is setup for the customer's physical address state then this call will fail.
- StatusNote As String – Optional – Customers can now track any time a lifeline status changes and log a record to the Customer's History pane under the Lifeline_ tab on the Customer's profile when updated the V20 API.
- TPIVStatus As Enum_TPIV_Status – Optional – Third Party Identity Verification (TPIV) Status, will be one of the values from Standard Values: Enum_TPIV_Status.
- TaxExemptions – List of customer-level tax exemptions. Can be one or more of the values from StandardValues: CCHTaxExemption or SureTaxTaxExemptionEnum. Not specifying this or providing an empty list will mean the customer is not tax exempt.
- Customer/MailingAddress (Customer's billing address)
- ID As Integer – Prohibited
- FirstName As String – Required if CustomerClass is not specified or is "Residential", otherwise prohibited.
- LastName As String – Required if CustomerClass is not specified or is "Residential", otherwise prohibited.
- MiddleName As String – Optional, Max Length 10 characters.
- Suffix As String – Optional
- CompanyName As String – Required if CustomerClass is "Business", otherwise prohibited.
- Address1 As String – Required.
- Address2 As String – Optional.
- City As String – Required.
- State As String – Required. 2 characters.
- Zip As String – Required. 5 digits. Must be valid zip code.
- Zip4 As String – Optional. Must be 4 digits if specified.
- Country As String – 3 character Country ISO code. Defaults to USA if not specified.
- Customer/PhysicalAddress (Customer's service location/tax address)
- ID As Integer – Prohibited
- FirstName As String – Required if CustomerClass is not specified or is "Residential", otherwise prohibited.
- LastName As String – Required if CustomerClass is not specified or is "Residential", otherwise prohibited.
- MiddleName As String – Optional, Max Length 10 characters.
- Suffix As String – Optional
- CompanyName As String – Required if CustomerClass is "Business", otherwise prohibited.
- Address1 As String – Required.
- Address2 As String – Optional.
- City As String – Required.
- State As String – Required. 2 characters.
- Zip As String – Required. 5 digits. Must be valid zip code.
- Zip4 As String – Optional. Must be 4 digits if specified.
- Country As String – 3 character Country ISO code. Defaults to USA if not specified.
- Customer/Billing (Customer's billing specific information)
- Balance As Decimal – Customer's current balance in
- Due As Decimal – Amount due at the next statement.
- Overdue As Decimal – Amount due on the previous statement.
- UnbilledUsage As Decimal – Total of unbilled customer usage.
- EnabledBalanceLimit As Boolean – Enables / Disables the customer's eligibility to be suspended or restored based on balance limit
- UsageBalanceLimit As Decimal – Customer's usage balance limit (used to trigger suspends and restores).
- PaymentTerms As Int – Customer's payment terms in
- PaymentTermsOverride As Boolean – Option on whether to override the default payment terms on the customer.
- Status As Enum_Lifeline_Status – Optional – If not specified, will default to NEEDS_FORM if no form is given in this request, or NEEDS_REVIEW or APPROVED if form is given depending on client configuration. Possible values include:
- Order (if not specified - customer will be created in a PROSPECT status)
- CarrierID As Integer – Optional. Cannot be used with CarrierCode. Settings > Providers.
- CarrierCode As String – Optional. Cannot be used with CarrierID. Settings > Providers.
- CarrierAccountID As Integer – Optional. Settings > Provider Accounts
- PackageID As Integer – Required. Settings > Packages.
- Description As String – Optional – Service description.
- PBXMake As String – Optional – Model of PBX, if applicable.
- PBXModel As String – Option on whether to override the default payment terms on the customer.
- Order/ShippingAddress (Shipping Address. Conditionally required.)
- ID As Integer – Prohibited
- FirstName As String – Required
- LastName As String – Required
- MiddleName As String – Optional, Max Length 10 characters.
- Suffix As String – Optional
- CompanyName As String – Required
- Address1 As String – Required.
- Address2 As String – Optional.
- City As String – Required.
- State As String – Required. 2 characters.
- Zip As String – Required. 5 digits. Must be valid zip code.
- Zip4 As String – Optional. Must be 4 digits if specified.
- Country As String – 3 character Country ISO code. Defaults to USA if not specified.
- Order/WirelessPort (Required only when a Wireless MDN is being ported from another provider.)
- MDN As String – Mobile Device Number (or phone number) being ported.
- AccountNumber As String – Customer's account number with previous provider.
- AuthorizedSigner As String – Customer's full name that has authorization to request this port.
- PINPassword As String – Customer's password with previous provider.
- Remark As String – General comment to be sent with the port request.
- Address As Address – Address currently assigned to the device being ported
- ID As Integer – Prohibited
- FirstName As String – Required
- LastName As String – Required
- MiddleName As String – Optional, Max Length 10 characters.
- Suffix As String – Optional
- Address1 As String – Required.
- Address2 As String – Optional.
- City As String – Required.
- State As String – Required. 2 characters.
- Zip As String – Required. 5 digits. Must be valid zip code.
- Zip4 As String – Optional. Must be 4 digits if specified.
- Country As String – 3 character Country ISO code. Defaults to USA if not specified.
- ExternalProvider As Enum_Carrier_Code – New Provider for porting the MDN. This is required if the order is to be sent through Ready. Supplied Provider must be a wireless provider.
- WirelessESN As String – Optional – ICCID (if provider only requires SIM card & not device), ESN (hex or decimal), or MEID (hex or decimal) of Inventory Item that is in either BATCHED1 (pre-activated) or AVAILABLE2 (not activated) status.
- WirelessICCID As String – Optional – ICCID of Inventory Item that is to be used with associated device in WirelessESN field. Must be in BATCHED1 (pre-activated) or AVAILABLE2 (not activated) status. If in BATCHED1 (pre-activated) status, only the WirelessESN is used.
- AdditionalProducts (used to specify additional products to be included as part of the order – e.g. shipping fees, connection charges, phones, etc)
- Product (repeats)
- ProductID As Integer – Required – Refers to an Product ID (Settings > Products).
- Rate As Decimal – Optional – If specified, the Product on the Order will use this rate. Otherwise, it will use the default rate from Settings > Products.
- Quantity As Integer – Optional – If specified, the Product on the Order will use this quantity (must be greater than or equal to 1). Otherwise, a quantity of 1 is assumed.
- Description As String – Optional – If specified, the Product on the Order will use this description. Otherwise, it will use the default description from Settings > Products.
- LineTypeID As Integer – Optional – Settings > Service Types.
- ProcessID As Integer – Optional – Settings > Processes.
- ReconnectTN As String – Optional – When specified, the service will be created with the specified TN and the resulting order will be marked as a reconnect order.
- SendOrders As Boolean – Optional – if set to True, will send any resultant orders to the provider immediately instead of waiting for flow-through to send. Defaults to False.
Note 1:
If WirelessESN is specified, and the Inventory Item it references is in BATCHED status, the Inventory Item will be assigned to the Customer's account, and the MDN from this device on the batch will be assigned to the service.
Note 2:
If WirelessESN is specified and the Inventory Item it references is in AVAILABLE status, the Inventory Item will be assigned to the Customer's account, and the orders created will be set to Flow Through if possible to send to the respective providers/downstream systems.
- You can poll Customers_Query to check the Customer's status and retrieve the MDN/MSID once completed, or you can poll Orders_Search or Orders_Query to check the status of the individual orders to know when it is completed, if needed.
- Take into consideration, an activation order could result in an error and require an automatic resend by or manual intervention by a provisioning rep, so there will be times when the order does not complete right away.
- Customer_ID As Integer
- Orders – List of orders created by this request.
- Order As Integer
- Lines – List of orders created by this request.
- Line As Integer
- Products – List of products added to the customer after creation
- Product
- ProductID As Integer – The Product ID
- ProductGroupID As Integer – The product group ID if the product was added as part of a group. Otherwise the product group ID will be 0.
- LeadProductFlag As Boolean – Indicates if the product is the lead product of a product group.
- BillMethod As Enum – Customers billing method "PRINT_ONLY", "EMAIL_ONLY", "BOTH", or "NONE"
Calculate the taxes and charges for a package and/or one or more products for a given zip code. Returns subtotals, totals, and a detailed list of charges/credits and taxes.
Note - an Address element can be specified to automatically retrieve the Zip+4 information if this value is not known.
Required Input
- ZIP As String – Required.(Optional if specified in Address). 5 digits. Must be valid zip code.
- PackageID As Integer – maps to an Package (Settings > Packages)
Optional/Conditional Input
- AdditionalProducts – used to specify additional products to be included as part of the order – e.g. shipping fees, connection charges, phones, etc
- Product – (repeats)
- ProductID As Integer – Required – Refers to an Product ID (Settings > Products).
- Rate As Decimal – Optional – If specified, the Product on the Order will use this rate. Otherwise, it will use the default rate from Settings > Products.
- Quantity As Integer – Optional – If specified, the Product on the Order will use this quantity (must be greater than or equal to 1). Otherwise, a quantity of 1 is assumed.
- Description As String – Optional – If specified, the Product on the Order will use this description. Otherwise, it will use the default description from Settings > Products.
- Product – (repeats)
- Address
- ID As Integer – Prohibited.
- FirstName As String – Optional.
- LastName As String – Optional.
- CompanyName As String – Optional.
- Address1 As String – Required.
- Address2 As String – Optional.
- City As String – Required.
- State As String – Required. 2 characters.
- Zip As String – Required. 5 digits. Must be valid zip code.
- Zip4 As String – Optional. Must be 4 digits if specified. If NOT specified - this value will attempt to be calculated automatically.
- Country As String – 3 character Country ISO code. Defaults to USA if not specified.
- Subtotal_OneTime As Decimal – Non-recurring charges + taxes.
- Subtotal_OneTime_Revenue As Decimal – Non-recurring charges without taxes.
- Subtotal_OneTime_Taxes As Decimal – Non-recurring taxes only.
- Subtotal_Monthly As Decimal – Monthly recurring charges + taxes.
- Subtotal_Monthly_Revenue As Decimal – Monthly recurring charges without taxes.
- Subtotal_Monthly_Taxes As Decimal – Monthly recurring taxes only.
- Total As Decimal – Total of all non-recurring and recurring charges and taxes.
- Details_Taxes – list of recurring & non-recurring taxes
- Description As String
- Amount As Decimal
- Category As String – OneTime or Monthly
- Details_Taxes – list of recurring & non-recurring taxes
- Description As String
- Amount As Decimal
- Category As String – OneTime or Monthly
Updated almost 2 years ago