
Create a payment account in for a customer.

Required Input

  • CustomerID As Integer – a valid Customer ID.
  • Type As String – Type of payment account being created.
    • CREDIT_CARD – Create a credit card payment account.
    • ACH – Create an ACH or eCheck payment account.

Optional/Conditional Input

  • CreditCard
    • CreditCardNumber As String – Credit Card Number (NOTE: if you are passing this with SubscriptionInfo, put last 4 digits of the card here).
    • ExpirationDate As Date – Credit card expiration date.
    • NameOnCard As String – Name that is on the credit card.
    • CVV2 As String – The CVV2 number of the credit card. Typically a 3-digit number for Visa and MasterCard, and 4 digits for American Express.
    • Choice of one of the following:
      • ZipCode As String – The billing zip code of the credit card.
      • Address – An address
        • Address1 As String – Billing address, first line.
        • Address2 As String – Billing address, second line.
        • City As String – Billing address city.
        • State As String – Billing address state.
        • Zip As String – Billing zip code (first 5 digits only).
        • Zip4 As String – Billing +4 portion of zip code.
        • Country As String – 3 character Country ISO code.
  • ACH
    • NameOnAccount As String – Name on banking account
    • AccountNumber As String – Banking account number
    • RoutingNumber As String – Nine digit bank code
    • Type As String – CHECKING or SAVINGS
  • SubscriptionInfo
    • MerchantProfileID As Integer – The merchant profile the subscription was created using.
    • SubscriptionID As String – The subscription id (or account identifier) from the merchant for this payment account.


  • PaymentAccountID As String – The ID of the payment account created.



When anything in SubscriptionInfo is specified, it is assumed that the subscription has already been created with the merchant, i.e. this function will not create a subscription with subscription id specified. Some merchants have additional information that may be in the SubscriptionID field and thus it may not just be the subscription id from the merchant. Subscriptions are also only supported on a subset of merchant accounts. Please contact support if you wish to use this feature to see if subscriptions are supported and the syntax required for the SubscriptionID field.


Deletes a payment account from a customer account.


  • PaymentAccountID As Integer – ID of the payment account to delete.





  • Deleting a payment account will make a user unable to reverse or void payments taken with the deleted payment account.
  • A payment account cannot be deleted if it is being used for auto debit on a customer account.
  • If the payment account is utilizing subscription functionality with a payment provider, the subscription will be deleted with the provider unless configured to otherwise not delete the subscription.


Use to retrieve payment accounts by customer id or payment account id in If both customer id and payment account id are supplied it will return only results matching both the supplied customer id and payment account id.

Input Fields

CustomerIDsList of IntegersCustomer identifier in*
IDsList of IntegersPayment Account identifier in*

Either the CustomerID list or ID list must be supplied.

Output Fields

PaymentAccountsList of PaymentAccountList of payment accounts related to the supplied inputs
PaymentAccounts >PaymentAccountPaymentAccountObject representing the payment account
PaymentAccount> IDIntegerID identifier of the payment account
PaymentAccount> Customer_IDIntegerID identifier of the customer
PaymentAccount> TypeString'CC' or 'ACH'
PaymentAccount> Last_4StringLast 4 digits of credit card if Type = 'CC' or last 4 digits of bank account number if Type = 'ACH'
PaymentAccount> Last_Process_ResultStringResult of last payment transaction if available, 'DECLINED', 'APPROVED', 'ERROR' or 'NONE'
PaymentAccount> Last_Process_DateDate?Date of last payment transaction if available. Can be null
PaymentAccount> Payment_Name_FirstStringFirstName of the credit card holder. Return only if Type = 'CC'
PaymentAccount> Payment_Name_LastStringLastName of the credit card holder. Return only if Type = 'CC'
PaymentAccount> TokenStringToken for the credit card. Return only if Type = 'CC'
PaymentAccount> Expiration_DateDate?Expiration of the credit card. Return only if Type = 'CC'
PaymentAccount> Bank_Account_NameStringName of Bank Account. Return only if Type = 'ACH'
PaymentAccount> Bank_Account_TypeStringType of Bank Account. 'SAVINGS' or 'CHECKING'. Return only if Type = 'ACH'
PaymentAccount> Bank_Routing_NumberStringBank routing number. 'SAVINGS' or 'CHECKING'. Return only if Type = 'ACH'
PaymentAccount >Billing_AddressBilling_AddressObject representing the billing address
Billing_Address > IDIntegerID identifier of the billing address
Billing_Address > FirstNameStringFirstName of the billing address
Billing_Address >LastNameStringLastName of the billing address
Billing_Address >CompanyNameStringCompanyName of the billing address
Billing_Address >Address1StringAddress1 of the billing address
Billing_Address >Address2StringAddress2 of the billing address
Billing_Address >CityStringCity of the billing address
Billing_Address >StateStringState of the billing address
Billing_Address >ZipStringZip of the billing address
Billing_Address >Zip4StringZip4 of the billing address
Billing_Address >CountryStringCountry of the billing address

Example Requests

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <soap:Body> <PaymentAccounts_Query xmlns=""> <Request> <Credentials> <Username>rev.io_username</Username> <Password>rev.io_password</Password> <Client>rev.io_client_code</Client> </Credentials> <CustomerIDs> <CustomerID>1200</CustomerID> </CustomerIDs> <IDs> <ID>1200</ID> </IDs> </Request> </PaymentAccounts_Query> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>

Example Responses

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <soap:Body> <PaymentAccounts_QueryResponse xmlns=""> <PaymentAccounts_QueryResult> <Header> <Success>true</Success> <SessionKey>ABC123939AkD9kD9303odfABC123939AkD9kD9303odf</SessionKey> <Impersonated>false</Impersonated> </Header> <PaymentAccounts> <PaymentAccount> <ID>1</ID> <Customer_ID>1</Customer_ID> <Payment_Name_First>FirstName</Payment_Name_First> <Payment_Name_Last>LastName</Payment_Name_Last> <Last_4>1234</Last_4> <Type>CC</Type> <Expiration_Date>2020-07-01T00:00:00</Expiration_Date> <Last_Process_Result>APPROVED</Last_Process_Result> <Last_Process_Date>2016-08-31T15:06:56.48</Last_Process_Date> <Token>124421414214421</Token> <Billing_Address> <ID>1</ID> <FirstName>FirstName</FirstName> <LastName>LastName</LastName> <CompanyName /> <Address1>1234 Address1</Address1> <Address2 /> <City>City</City> <State>CA</State> <Zip>12345</Zip> <Zip4 /> <Country>USA</Country> </Billing_Address> </PaymentAccount> <PaymentAccount> <ID>2</ID> <Customer_ID>2</Customer_ID> <Bank_Account_Name>AccountName</Bank_Account_Name> <Bank_Routing_Number>1223552</Bank_Routing_Number> <Bank_Account_Type>SAVINGS</Bank_Account_Type> <Last_4>2345</Last_4> <Type>ACH</Type> <Billing_Address> <ID>1</ID> <FirstName>FirstName</FirstName> <LastName>LastName</LastName> <CompanyName /> <Address1>1234 Address1</Address1> <Address2 /> <City>City</City> <State>CA</State> <Zip>12345</Zip> <Zip4 /> <Country>USA</Country> </Billing_Address> </PaymentAccount> </PaymentAccounts> </PaymentAccounts_QueryResult> </PaymentAccounts_QueryResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <soap:Body> <PaymentAccounts_QueryResponse xmlns=""> <PaymentAccounts_QueryResult> <Header> <Success>true</Success> <SessionKey>ABC123939AkD9kD9303odfABC123939AkD9kD9303odf</SessionKey> <Impersonated>false</Impersonated> </Header> <PaymentAccounts /> </PaymentAccounts_QueryResult> </PaymentAccounts_QueryResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <soap:Body> <PaymentAccounts_QueryResponse xmlns=""> <PaymentAccounts_QueryResult> <Header> <Success>false</Success> <Message>CustomerIDs or IDs must be specified.</Message> <Impersonated xsi:nil="true" /> <Error_Code>S2010</Error_Code> <Error_Description>Invalid input received.</Error_Description> </Header> </PaymentAccounts_QueryResult> </PaymentAccounts_QueryResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <soap:Body> <PaymentAccounts_QueryResponse xmlns=""> <PaymentAccounts_QueryResult> <Header> <Success>false</Success> <Message>CustomerIDs: -1 is invalid.</Message> <Impersonated xsi:nil="true" /> <Error_Code>S2010</Error_Code> <Error_Description>Invalid input received.</Error_Description> </Header> </PaymentAccounts_QueryResult> </PaymentAccounts_QueryResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <soap:Body> <PaymentAccounts_QueryResponse xmlns=""> <PaymentAccounts_QueryResult> <Header> <Success>false</Success> <Message>CustomerIDs: -1,-3 are invalid.</Message> <Impersonated xsi:nil="true" /> <Error_Code>S2010</Error_Code> <Error_Description>Invalid input received.</Error_Description> </Header> </PaymentAccounts_QueryResult> </PaymentAccounts_QueryResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>


Create a Manual Payment or Process a Credit Card Payment.

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