Search for tasks and return one or more results if found.
Optional Input
- TaskID As List (of Integer) – One or more specific Tasks in Rev.io.
- BillProfileID As List (Of Integer) – One or more Bill Profiles in Rev.io. Return tasks for Customers on this/these Bill Profile(s) when specified.
- CustomerID As List (Of Integer) – One or more Customer IDs in Rev.io. Returns tasks only for these specific Customers when specified.
- TaskTypeID As List (Of Integer) – One or more Rev.io Task Type IDs. Returns tasks only for these specific Task Types when specified.
- TaskWorkflowID As List (Of Integer) – One or more Rev.io Task Workflow IDs. Returns tasks only for these specific Task Steps when specified.
- OrderID As List (Of Integer) – One or more Rev.io Order IDs. Returns tasks only for these specific Order IDs when specified.
- WorkOrderID As List (Of Integer) – One or more Rev.io Work Order IDs. Returns tasks only for these specific Work Order IDs when specified.
- TicketID As List (Of Integer) – One or more Rev.io Ticket IDs. Returns tasks only for these specific Ticket IDs when specified.
- AssignedTo As List (Of Integer) – One or more Rev.io User IDs. Returns tasks only for these specific Users when specified.
- Canceled_Flag As Boolean – When True, return only Tasks that are in a Canceled state. When False, return only Tasks that are in a Non-Canceled state.
- Completed_Flag As Boolean – When True, return only Tasks that are in a Completed state. When False, return only Tasks that are in a Non-Completed state.
A list of tasks matching the search criteria containing the following fields:
- TaskID As Integer – Rev.io Task ID.
- CustomerID As Integer – Rev.io Customer ID.
- Ticket_ID As Integer – If this Task is associated with a Ticket in Rev.io, this will be the ID to it.
- Order_ID As Integer – If this Task is associated with an Order in Rev.io, this will be the ID to it.
- Work_Order_ID As Integer – If this Task is associated with a Work Order in Rev.io, this will be the ID to it.
- Task_Workflow_ID As Integer – Rev.io Task Step
- Task_Type_ID As Integer – Rev.io Task Type
- Subject As String – Subject line on this Task
- Message As String – Body of this Task.
- Assigned_To As Integer – Rev.io User_ID if this Task is assigned to someone.
- Due_Date As Date – Date/time Task is currently due.
- Complete As Boolean – Indicates this Task is in a completed status.
- Completed_Date As Date – Date/time Task was changed to a completed status.
- Created_Date As Date – Date/time Task was created.
- Created_By As Date – Rev.io User_ID for the person that created this Task. Can be 0 when system-generated.
- Canceled_Flag As Boolean – Indicates this Task is in a canceled status.
Update a task.
Required Input
- TaskID As Integer – a valid Rev.io Task ID
Optional Input
- Subject As String – The task subject.
- Description As String – The description of the task.
- DueDate As Date – The date and time the task is due
- DueDateType As Enum_Due_Type – The type of due date. Can be one of the following values:
- SINGLE – Task is due only a single time on the due date specified.
- RECURRING_DAY – Task recurs monthly on the day specified in the due date.
- RECURRING_DATE – Task recurs once yearly on the month and day specified in the due date.
- RECURRING_DAYOFWEEK – Task recurs weekly on the same day of the week as the date in the due date.
- RECURRING_DAILY – Task recurs daily.
- RECURRING_HOURLY – Task recurs hourly.
- AssignedUserID As Integer – Assigned user, or "0" to clear the assigned user.
- TypeID As Integer – A valid Rev.io Task Type ID.
- TypeName As String – A valid Rev.io Task Type Name. If specified in addition to TypeID, then the TypeName must match the name of the task type of TypeID.
- WorkflowID As Integer – A valid Rev.io Workflow ID, or "0" to clear the current workflow. This is the Rev.io Task Step.
- WorkflowName As String – A valid Rev.io Workflow Name. If specified in addition to WorkflowID, then the WorkflowName must match the name of the workflow of WorkflowID.
- Note As String – Add a note to the task specified.
- Actions – Name/title of the Tag
- MarkComplete As Boolean – Mark the task as complete.
- MarkCanceled As Boolean – Mark the task as canceled.
- ClearDueDate As Boolean – Clear an existing due date of a ticket.
- Success As Boolean – True if the update succeeded, false otherwise.
Updated about 6 years ago