
Assigns an inventory items in


  • InventoryItemID– Id of the Inventory Item to be assigned.
  • CustomerID - The id of the Customer to whom the Inventory Item will be assigned.
  • LineID - The Service ID to which the Inventory Item will be assigned.
  • CustomerProductID - The id of the Customer Product to which the Inventory Item will be assigned.


None if successful, otherwise normal error code and message.


General Notes

  • Only 1 match identifier is required (CustomerID, LineID, or CustomerProductID)

  • If more than 1 match identifier is passed:

    • If individual identifiers do not match each other, the request will be failed
    • ex. If a LineID ( Service ID) and a CustomerID are both passed, and the service does not match the Customer, the request will fail.


Creates inventory items in


  • InventoryItems - A List of Inventory Items to be added
    • Inventory – Individual inventory object.
      • ID As Integer – inventory item id.
      • CustomerID As Integer – Prohibited.
      • Identifier As String – Inventory identifier.
      • IdentifierLabel As String – Ignored.
      • InventoryTypeID As Integer – inventory type id.
      • InventoryType As Enum_Inventory_Type – inventory type. This does not need to be specified, however if it is, it must match the inventory type indicated on the inventory type id specified. Can be one of the following:
      • General – General inventory type for inventory not covered by another type.
      • Telephone_Number – Telephone number.
      • IP_Address – An IP address.
      • Mobile_Device – A wireless mobile device.
      • SIM_Card – A wireless SIM card.
      • InventoryDescription As String – Ignored.
      • Status As Enum_Inventory_Item_Status – Current status of inventory item. Can be one of the following:
      • AVAILABLE – Inventory is not activated and is available to be associated with a customer or activated on a batch.
      • UNAVAILABLE – Inventory is not activated and may not be used.
      • ASSIGNED – Inventory is assigned to a customer.
      • BATCHED – Inventory is on a batch.
      • AssignedDate As Date – Date the inventory was assigned to this customer.
      • UnavailableReasonID As Integer – When status is UNAVAILABLE, the reason id of why inventory is unavailable (if applicable).
      • UnavailableReasonDescription As String – Ignored
      • Note As String – Inventory note.
      • Fields – List of custom fields.
      • Field – Individual custom field
        • FieldID As Integer – custom field id.
        • Label As String – custom field label. If specified, must match Label of FieldID if that field is also specified.
        • Value As String – Value specified for custom field.
      • Wireless – Object containing wireless-specific inventory fields
      • MSID As String – MSID of inventory item.
      • MSL As String – MSL of inventory item.
      • MDN As String – Current MDN of inventory item.


  • InventoryItemIDs As Integer – InventoryItemIDs created.


Updates inventory items in



Only fields specified in request will be updated. If field is specified, but null, then it will be ignored. However, if a field is specified with a default value, such as 0 or an empty string, then it will replace information currently the inventory item. For example, the following will be ignored:

However, the following will not be ignored and will empty out the Note field on the inventory item:

Please take this into consideration when updating an account using this API function.

This behavior is also true for any sub-objects, for example, to update just MSID on a wireless device, the following may be used:


Additionally note that the Inventory ID and Identifier cannot be changed, and either Inventory ID or Identifier must be specified for this API function.


  • InventoryItems – A list of inventory items to be updated
    • Inventory – Individual inventory object.
      • ID As Integer – inventory item id. Optional if Identifier and InventoryTypeID or InventoryType is specified.
      • CustomerID As Integer – If specified, must be the Customer ID inventory is currently assigned to. The customer assignment cannot change via this API function.
      • Identifier As String – Inventory identifier. Optional if ID is specified.
      • IdentifierLabel As String – Ignored.
      • InventoryTypeID As Integer – inventory type id.
      • InventoryType As Enum_Inventory_Type – inventory type. This does not need to be specified, however if it is, it must match the inventory type indicated on the inventory type id specified. Can be one of the following:
        • General – General inventory type for inventory not covered by another type.
        • Telephone_Number – Telephone number.
        • IP_Address – An IP address.
        • Mobile_Device – A wireless mobile device.
        • SIM_Card – A wireless SIM card.
      • InventoryDescription As String – Ignored.
      • Status As Enum_Inventory_Item_Status – Current status of inventory item. Can be one of the following:
        • AVAILABLE – Inventory is not activated and is available to be associated with a customer or activated on a batch.
        • UNAVAILABLE – Inventory is not activated and may not be used.
        • ASSIGNED – Inventory is assigned to a customer.
        • BATCHED – Inventory is on a batch.
      • AssignedDate As Date – Date the inventory was assigned to this customer.
      • UnavailableReasonID As Integer – When status is UNAVAILABLE, the reason id of why inventory is unavailable (if applicable).
      • UnavailableReasonDescription As String – Ignored
      • Note As String – Inventory note.
      • Fields – List of custom fields.
      • Field – Individual custom field
        • FieldID As Integer – custom field id.
        • Label As String – custom field label. If specified, must match Label of FieldID if that field is also specified.
        • Value As String – Value specified for custom field.
      • Wireless – Object containing wireless-specific inventory fields
        • MSID As String – MSID of inventory item.
        • MSL As String – MSL of inventory item.
        • MDN As String – Prohibited.


Normal error code and message if provided. Otherwise successful response.


Creates an inventory item in


  • Inventory – Individual inventory object.
    • ID As Integer – inventory item id.
    • CustomerID As Integer – Prohibited.
    • Identifier As String – Inventory identifier.
    • IdentifierLabel As String – Ignored.
    • InventoryTypeID As Integer – inventory type id.
    • InventoryType As Enum_Inventory_Type – inventory type. This does not need to be specified, however if it is, it must match the inventory type indicated on the inventory type id specified. Can be one of the following:
      • General – General inventory type for inventory not covered by another type.
      • Telephone_Number – Telephone number.
      • IP_Address – An IP address.
      • Mobile_Device – A wireless mobile device.
      • SIM_Card – A wireless SIM card.
    • InventoryDescription As String – Ignored.
    • Status As Enum_Inventory_Item_Status – Current status of inventory item. Can be one of the following:
      • AVAILABLE – Inventory is not activated and is available to be associated with a customer or activated on a batch.
      • UNAVAILABLE – Inventory is not activated and may not be used.
      • ASSIGNED – Inventory is assigned to a customer.
      • BATCHED – Inventory is on a batch.
    • AssignedDate As Date – Date the inventory was assigned to this customer.
    • UnavailableReasonID As Integer – When status is UNAVAILABLE, the reason id of why inventory is unavailable (if applicable).
    • UnavailableReasonDescription As String – Ignored
    • Note As Integer – Inventory note.
    • Fields – List of custom fields.
    • Field – Individual custom field
      • FieldID As Integer – custom field id.
      • Label As String – custom field label. If specified, must match Label of FieldID if that field is also specified.
      • Value As String – Value specified for custom field.
    • Wireless – Object containing wireless-specific inventory fields
      • MSID As String – MSID of inventory item.
      • MSL As String – MSL of inventory item.
      • MDN As String – Current MDN of inventory item.


  • InventoryItemID As Integer – InventoryItemID created.


Looks up an inventory item in


  • Choice of:
    • MDN As String – MDN of inventory item.
    • InventoryID As Integer – inventory item id.
    • Inventory – Object describing an inventory item associated with a customer.
      • Identifier As String – Inventory identifier of inventory.
      • Type As String – Optional. Type of inventory item. Must be "Mobile_Device" or "SIM_Card". If not specified, will assume "Mobile_Device".


  • Inventory – Individual inventory object.
    • ID As Integer – inventory item id.
    • CustomerID As Integer – customer id that this inventory item is associated with.
    • Identifier As String – Inventory identifier.
    • IdentifierLabel As String – The identifier label of this item, such as ESN, MEID, etc.
    • InventoryTypeID As Integer – inventory type id.
    • InventoryType As Enum_Inventory_Type – inventory type. Can be one of the following:
      • General – General inventory type for inventory not covered by another type.
      • Telephone_Number – Telephone number.
      • IP_Address – An IP address.
      • Mobile_Device – A wireless mobile device.
      • SIM_Card – A wireless SIM card.
    • InventoryDescription As String – Description from inventory type id.
    • Status As Enum_Inventory_Item_Status – Current status of inventory item. Can be one of the following:
      • AVAILABLE – Inventory is not activated and is available to be associated with a customer or activated on a batch.
      • UNAVAILABLE – Inventory is not activated and may not be used.
      • ASSIGNED – Inventory is assigned to a customer.
      • BATCHED – Inventory is on a batch.
    • AssignedDate As Date – Date the inventory was assigned to this customer.
    • UnavailableReasonID As Integer – When status is UNAVAILABLE, the reason id of why inventory is unavailable (if applicable).
    • UnavailableReasonDescription As String – The description of the unavailable reason id (if applicable).
    • Note As String – Inventory note.
    • Fields – List of custom fields.
      • Field – Individual custom field
        • FieldID As Integer – custom field id.
        • Label As String – custom field label.
        • Value As String – Value specified for custom field.
    • Wireless – Object containing wireless-specific inventory fields
      • MSID As String – MSID of inventory item.
      • MSL As String – MSL of inventory item.
      • MDN As String – Current MDN of inventory item.


Unassigns an inventory item from a customer account in

Input Feilds

InventoryItemIDIntegerThe InventoryItem you intend to unassign from a customer account.Required
UnavailableReasonIDIntegerOptional value to set the Unavailable Reason on the Inventory Item. See Settings > Drop Down Editor > Inventory Item Unavailable Reason for values.Optional
StatusEnumEither AVAILABLE or UNAVAILABLE. If AVAILABLE, it can be assigned to another account. If UNAVAILABLE, it cannot be reassigned.Optional
NoteStringShows on the item in and stays in history as well - can be used to add a note explaining why this is being unassigned.Optional

Output Fields

None if successful, otherwise normal error code and message.


Looks up an inventory item in



Note: Only fields specified in request will be updated. If field is specified, but null, then it will be ignored. However, if a field is specified with a default value, such as 0 or an empty string, then it will replace information currently the inventory item. For example, the following will be ignored:

However, the following will not be ignored and will empty out the Note field on the inventory item:

Please take this into consideration when updating an account using this API function.

This behavior is also true for any sub-objects, for example, to update just MSID on a wireless device, the following may be used:


Additionally note that the Inventory ID and Identifier cannot be changed, and either Inventory ID or Identifier must be specified for this API function.


  • Inventory – Individual inventory object.
    • ID As Integer – inventory item id. Optional if Identifier and InventoryTypeID or InventoryType is specified.
    • CustomerID As Integer – If specified, must be the Customer ID inventory is currently assigned to. The customer assignment cannot change via this API function.
    • Identifier As String – Inventory identifier. Optional if ID is specified.
    • IdentifierLabel As String – Ignored.
    • InventoryTypeID As Integer – inventory type id.
    • InventoryType As Enum_Inventory_Type – inventory type. This does not need to be specified, however if it is, it must match the inventory type indicated on the inventory type id specified. Can be one of the following:
      • General – General inventory type for inventory not covered by another type.
      • Telephone_Number – Telephone number.
      • IP_Address – An IP address.
      • Mobile_Device – A wireless mobile device.
      • SIM_Card – A wireless SIM card.
    • InventoryDescription As String – Ignored.
    • Status As Enum_Inventory_Item_Status – Current status of inventory item. Can be one of the following:
      • AVAILABLE – Inventory is not activated and is available to be associated with a customer or activated on a batch.
      • UNAVAILABLE – Inventory is not activated and may not be used.
      • ASSIGNED – Inventory is assigned to a customer.
      • BATCHED – Inventory is on a batch.
    • AssignedDate As Date – Date the inventory was assigned to this customer.
    • UnavailableReasonID As Integer – When status is UNAVAILABLE, the reason id of why inventory is unavailable (if applicable).
    • UnavailableReasonDescription As String – Ignored
    • Note As String – Inventory note.
    • Fields – List of custom fields.
      • Field – Individual custom field
        • FieldID As Integer – custom field id.
        • Label As String – custom field label. If specified, must match Label of FieldID if that field is also specified.
        • Value As String – Value specified for custom field.
    • Wireless – Object containing wireless-specific inventory fields
      • MSID As String – MSID of inventory item.
      • MSL As String – MSL of inventory item.
      • MDN As String – Prohibited.


Normal error code and message if provided. Otherwise successful response.


Creates an inventory type in


  • InventoryType – Inventory Type to create
    • ID As Integer – Prohibited in this API function.
    • Type As Enum_Inventory_Type – Required. May be one of the following values:
      • General – General inventory type.
      • Telephone_Number – Telephone number inventory type.
      • IP_Address – An IP address.
      • Mobile_Device – A wireless device (usually for CDMA providers).
      • SIM_Card – A wireless SIM card (usually for GSM providers).
    • Identifier As String – The identifier to use as a label for this type. For instance, "ESN/MEID" could be used for Mobile_Device types or "ICCID" for SIM Cards. This will be used for display purposes in Required.
    • Name As String – The name of the inventory Type. Required.
    • RequiresProduct As Boolean – If the inventory type requires a product. This is required to be "True" for Mobile_Device and SIM_Card inventory types, otherwise Optional.
    • ProgrammingInstructions As String – Programming instructions for inventory types that require programming. Optional.
    • Description As String – Description of inventory type.
    • Status As Enum_Inventory_Type_Status – Optional. May be one of the following values. Will default to "ACTIVE" if not specified.
      • ACTIVE – Inventory Type is active and may be selected for new inventory from within
      • INACITVE – Inventory Type is inactive and may not be selected for new inventory from within
    • Format As Enum_Inventory_Type_Format – Required for Mobile_Device and SIM_Card device types, otherwise must be "NONE" or not specified. Possible values are:
      • NONE – The inventory identifier is not required to be formatted in a certain manner. May only be used for inventory types other than Mobile_Device and SIM_Card.
      • ESN_DECIMAL – The inventory identifier must be in ESN decimal format. May only be used with Mobile_Device inventory types.
      • MEID_DECIMAL – The inventory identifier must be in MEID decimal format. May only be used with Mobile_Device inventory types.
      • ESN_OR_MEID_DECIMAL – The inventory identifier may be in either ESN or MEID decimal format. May only be used with Mobile_Device inventory types.
      • ICCID_DECIMAL – The inventory identifier must be in ICCID decimal format. May only be used with SIM_Card inventory types.
    • Fields – List of custom inventory fields
      • Field – One inventory field item.
        • FieldID As Integer – custom field ID. Optional if Label is specified.
        • Label As String – Custom field label. Optional if FieldID is specified, however must match current label of field if both are specified.
        • Value As String – Value of custom field for this inventory type.


  • ID As Integer – ID of inventory type created.


Deletes an inventory type in


  • ID As Integer – Inventory Type ID to delete.




Lookup inventory types.


  • May be one of the following (or don't specify any for all inventory types):
    • ID As Integer – Lookup by inventory type id.
    • Type As Enum_Inventory_Type – Lookup by inventory type. May be one of the following values:
      • General – General inventory type.
      • Telephone_Number – Telephone number inventory type.
      • IP_Address – An IP address.
      • Mobile_Device – A wireless device (usually for CDMA providers).
      • SIM_Card – A wireless SIM card (usually for GSM providers).
    • PackageID As Integer – Lookup by associated package id.
    • ProductID As Integer – Lookup by associated product id.
    • Field – Lookup by custom field.
      • Label As String – Custom field label to lookup by.
      • Value As String – Find items that have this custom field value for specified label.


  • InventoryTypes – List of inventory types.
    • InventoryType
      • ID As Integer – Inventory Type ID
      • Type As Enum_Inventory_Type – Type of inventory. Will be one of the following values:
        • General – General inventory type.
        • Telephone_Number – Telephone number inventory type.
        • IP_Address – An IP address.
        • Mobile_Device – A wireless device (usually for CDMA providers).
        • SIM_Card – A wireless SIM card (usually for GSM providers).
      • Identifier As String – The identifier to use as a label for this type.
      • Name As String – The name of the inventory Type.
      • RequiresProduct As Boolean – If the inventory type requires a product.
      • ProgrammingInstructions As String – Programming instructions for inventory types that require programming.
      • Description As String – Description of inventory type.
      • Status As Enum_Inventory_Type_Status – Status of inventory type. Will be one of the following values:
        • ACTIVE – Inventory Type is active and may be selected for new inventory from within
        • INACTIVE – Inventory Type is inactive and may not be selected for new inventory from within
      • Format As Enum_Inventory_Type_Format – The format of the identifier for inventory assigned to this inventory type. Will be one of the following values.
        • NONE – The inventory identifier is not required to be formatted in a certain manner.
        • ESN_DECIMAL – The inventory identifier must be in ESN decimal format.
        • MEID_DECIMAL – The inventory identifier must be in MEID decimal format.
        • ESN_OR_MEID_DECIMAL – The inventory identifier must be in either ESN or MEID decimal format.
        • ICCID_DECIMAL – The inventory identifier must be in ICCID decimal format.
      • Fields – List of custom inventory type fields
        • Field – One inventory type field item.
          • FieldID As Integer – custom field ID.
          • Label As String – Custom field label.
          • Value As String – Value of custom field for this inventory type.
      • ItemFields – List of custom fields defined for inventory items of this inventory type
        • Field – One inventory item field definition
          • FieldID As Integer – custom field ID.
          • Label As String – Custom field label of the inventory item field.
          • Description As String – Description of the inventory item field.
          • FieldType As String – Type of the inventory item field. One of the following values:
            • Text Box
            • Text Area
            • Drop Down List
            • Radio Button List
            • Check Box
            • Date
          • DefaultValue As String – Default value of the inventory item field.
          • IsRequired As Boolean – Value of the whether the inventory item field is required or not.
          • Options As List – Pre-defined options of the inventory item field.
            • Option As String – One of the pre-defined options.


Updates an inventory type in


  • InventoryType – Inventory Type to update
    • ID As Integer – Required.
    • Type As Enum_Inventory_Type – May be one of the following values:
      • General – General inventory type.
      • Telephone_Number – Telephone number inventory type.
      • IP_Address – An IP address.
      • Mobile_Device – A wireless device (usually for CDMA providers).
      • SIM_Card – A wireless SIM card (usually for GSM providers).
    • Identifier As String – The identifier to use as a label for this type. For instance, "ESN/MEID" could be used for Mobile_Device types or "ICCID" for SIM Cards. This will be used for display purposes in
    • Name As String – The name of the inventory Type.
    • RequiresProduct As Boolean – If the inventory type requires a product.
    • ProgrammingInstructions As String – Programming instructions for inventory types that require programming.
    • Description As String – Description of inventory type.
    • Status As Enum_Inventory_Type_Status – May be one of the following values:
      • ACTIVE – Inventory Type is active and may be selected for new inventory from within
      • INACITVE – Inventory Type is inactive and may not be selected for new inventory from within
    • Format As Enum_Inventory_Type_Format – May be one of the following values:
      • NONE – The inventory identifier is not required to be formatted in a certain manner. May only be used for inventory types other than Mobile_Device and SIM_Card.
      • ESN_DECIMAL – The inventory identifier must be in ESN decimal format. May only be used with Mobile_Device inventory types.
      • MEID_DECIMAL – The inventory identifier must be in MEID decimal format. May only be used with Mobile_Device inventory types.
      • ESN_OR_MEID_DECIMAL – The inventory identifier may be in either ESN or MEID decimal format. May only be used with Mobile_Device inventory types.
      • ICCID_DECIMAL – The inventory identifier must be in ICCID decimal format. May only be used with SIM_Card inventory types.
    • Fields – List of custom inventory fields
      • Field – One inventory field item.
        • FieldID As Integer – custom field ID. Optional if Label is specified.
        • Label As String – Custom field label. Optional if FieldID is specified, however must match current label of field if both are specified.
        • Value As String – Value of custom field for this inventory type.




Assigns one or more DIDs (Service Inventory Items) in to a customer's service.


  • Identifiers – List of any "Inventory Item Identifiers" to be assigned to the customer's service
  • LineID - The Service ID to which the Inventory Item will be assigned.
  • CustomerProductID - The id of the product in which to be assigned along with the Service Inventory. Must be associated with the inventory type of the inventory specified.


None if successful, otherwise normal error code and message.


Unassigns one or more DIDs (Service Inventory Items) in from a customer's service.


  • Identifiers – List of any "Inventory Item Identifiers" to be assigned to the customer's service
  • LineID - The Service ID to which the Inventory Item will be assigned.
  • InventoryStatus - (optional) The new status of the unassigned inventory (AVAILABLE, UNAVAILABLE) ( * Will default to "AVAILABLE" if no value is specified)


None if successful, otherwise normal error code and message.